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TEXCELL acquires German company vivo Science GmbH

Evry/Gronau on May 17th, 2016

On 2 May 2016 TEXCELL of France signed a contract for the acquisition of Germany’s vivo Science GmbH, a GLP/GMP-compliant laboratory specialized in toxicology, immunology and virology in vivo studies.

Texcell, supplier of services in viral security and immunology, is buying vivo Science, a German company that provides services to the pharmaceutical industry (CRO) and has specialized over the last 15 years in immunogenicity, immunotoxicology and virology in vivo assays. The acquisition is part of Texcell‘s aim of expanding its portfolio of services in the areas of preclinical and clinical research.

Thanks to its experience in the creation of biosecurity tests and viral validations, over the last 20 years Texcell has evaluated a large number of products, some of which are now registered with the FDA, EMA and MHW.

The acquisition of vivo Science is also a new and powerful marker of the company’s expansion on the international stage.

« With this acquisition the Texcell group is growing and pursuing its international strategy in line with its motto: Texcell everywhere and near the customers » says Bernard PLICHON, president and chief executive officer of the Texcell group.

Recognized worldwide, in 2010 Texcell acquired a majority stake in a US company based in Frederick (Maryland) that has become Texcell North America.  It has also developed commercial partnerships in Asia with companies based in South Korea and, more recently, Taiwan.

Today Texcell and vivo Science together represent a turnover of more than €10 million and employ some 90 people. The « vivo Science » brand will be kept and the company integrated within the Texcell group.

In their own words:

« In acquiring vivo Science Texcell is going forward with its policy of internalizing virology and

immunology services while at the same time reinforcing its presence in Germany, the largest biotech

market in Europe, » says Grégoire Tauveron, Texcell export Director.

Olivier Cena, Texcell’s Director of Immunology for Europe, is enthusiastic: « It is a fantastic operation and a crucial step in Texcell Group’s international expansion in immunology services. By adding Vivo Science’s infrastructure we shall be able to supply a range of services that meet the demands of the market. Our aim is to become a key player in immunology and immunotoxicity in Europe. »

« The coming-together of Texcell and vivo Science is an excellent opportunity for the company and the staff of vivo Science, » CEO André Rademaekers emphasizes.

« The synergy is so significant that success is bound to follow for both companies, » say vivo Science shareholders Stefan Fischer and Jürgen Schumacher, who are transferring the whole of their stakes to Texcell SA.

About :


TEXCELL, a spin-off from the Pasteur Institute, is based at EVRY’s Biocluster Genopole near Paris with more than 2200 m2 of offices and laboratories (L2 & L3). It provides a wide range of services in viral safety and immunological tracking in compliance with Good Laboratory Practices and Good Manufacturing Practices.

Head office : Genavenir 5 – 1, rue Pierre Fontaine 91058 Evry cedex – France

Website : www.texcell.com



vivo Science is a service company in the pharmaceutical industry (CRO) offering GLP/GMP toxicology in vivo studies and is specialized in immunogenicity, immunotoxicology and virology in vivo assays.

Head office: Gronau, Fabrikstrasse 3, 48599 Gronau – Germany

Website: www.vivo-science.com


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